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Case A: Basic Electrical Theory 1 Screen Transition Diagram and Improvement Proposal (Idea) (H)

Case A: Basic Electrical Theory 1 Screen Transition Diagram and Improvement Proposal (Idea) (H)

by anonfirstname20 anonlastname20 -
Number of replies: 3
Picture of 【1ブロック】グループA

The following is a list of suggestions for improvement. 

I am sorry for the delay, but I would like to submit the screen transition diagram and improvement proposal (idea) for Case A.

Please refer to the attached file for the analysis using the ID checklist and the current screen transition diagram.

The following is a list of suggestions for improvement. 

(1)Exit: Setting of learning objectives and validity of evaluation methods

◇ Learning objectives: Setting of learning objectives and validity of evaluation methods (This is also related to RFP2.)

◇Present the learning objectives again before the table of contents to get them started.

◇Since the passing standard is ambiguous, specific passing standards and time limits should be provided.

(2)Entrance: Adult learning theory

◇Administer a prerequisite test to specifically test students' understanding of their knowledge of middle school mathematics. If the required knowledge is lacking, identify which units need to be re-learned.

◇A pre-test will be given, and if certain criteria are met, learning of the material will be waived. (Also related to RFP1)

(3)Structure: Itemization from course elements

◇In particular, on the confirmation test screen, there is no guide for the action to be taken after completing the answer, so a reminder such as "press the score button" should be given.

(4)Strategy: Devising content to support the achievement of learning objectives

◇Introduce a function to turn off the narration so that it can be adapted to the needs of the learners.

◇Create a link to go directly back to the review test of the unit once it has been studied.

(5)Environment: Selecting the right media and establishing a support system

◇If the learning environment is not only in the workplace, we would like to make it mobile compatible depending on the budget.

◇Establish a mentoring-like system, such as assigning employees who have completed the study (including those who are exempted from the study) to be in charge of Q&A, and utilize the mutual relationship between employees with relatively close experience to improve the interaction of learning.


In reply to anonfirstname20 anonlastname20

Re: Case A: Basic Electrical Theory 1 Screen Transition Diagram and Improvement Proposal (Idea) (H)

by anonfirstname14 anonlastname14 -
Picture of 【1ブロック】グループA

Dear H,

This is a comment from I.

I thought it was good that the entire screen transition diagram was edited to look like a single picture.

In (4) Methodology, I thought that one of the main points to be considered was the narration on/off. I think it is also a consideration to make it possible to learn without narration in some environments.

This may also be related to the strategy, but I am concerned about the fact that I can exit from anywhere and not keep a record of my learning in the verse. I'm also concerned about the buttons for similar but different functions, such as rewind, return and back. There are explanations in the help and study guide, but I think the duplication of explanations as well as the large number of operations could be simplified. What are your thoughts on this area?


In reply to anonfirstname14 anonlastname14

Re: Case A: Basic Electrical Theory 1 Screen Transition Diagram and Improvement Proposal (Idea) (H)

by anonfirstname20 anonlastname20 -
Picture of 【1ブロック】グループA

Dear I,

Thank you for your comment.

Responding to the RFP is important, but I feel that improving usability is also an issue. In particular, since not all interested (and motivated) people are currently taking the course, I think there is a high risk that poor usability will increase the number of cases where it is difficult to continue the course, such as learning interruptions accompanied by decreased motivation.

 In this case, since the course was developed in-house, it would be possible to realize at a low cost the duplication of explanations and the organization of "similar but different functions (buttons)" that Mr. I is concerned about. Also, I would like to see how the bookmark function works (e.g., whether it is reflected in the table of contents) for recording learning when interrupted in a section, and I would be happy to include that in my proposal.


In reply to anonfirstname20 anonlastname20

Re: Case A: Basic Electrical Theory 1 Screen Transition Diagram and Improvement Proposal (Idea) (H)

by anonfirstname14 anonlastname14 -
Picture of 【1ブロック】グループA

Dear H,

I've organized my improvement ideas at the moment and even made a proposal form and attached it to the forum. I wrote it there, but as you guessed, I couldn't find a place to write about the level of detail, such as voice on/off, if I summarized it in the RFP premise. I would very much like to hear your thoughts on this.
