Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Session1:ID Theory and Higher Education Practice [Task1]Discussion Board

List what you found out and what you wondered about throughout this session.
Conduct research on what you wondered about and report on what you found out.

It should have three headings: "What we found out," "What we wondered about," and "Findings.
The Findings section should also include ...

Session4:Learning with e-portfolio: supporting reflection [Task4] Discussion Board

List what you found out and what you wondered about throughout this session.
Conduct research on what you wondered about and report on what you found out.

Please include a description of the model of reflection that you think works best for your field and how your e-portfolio will support it ...

Session13:Teaching, Learning and Knowledge from the perspective of business strategy theory [Task13] Discussion Board

List what you found out and what you wondered about throughout this session.
Conduct research on what you wondered about and report on what you found out.

It should have three headings: "What we found out," "What we wondered about," and "Findings.
The Findings section should also include ...

Session15:Research on behavior change support using LMS [Task15] Discussion Board

Read the assigned paper and submit (1) and (2) in one piece.
(1)Summarize the circumstances that led to the adoption of the LMS.
(2)List at least three approaches that you believe have been useful in encouraging participants to continue, and at least one other approach that you believe would be ...