Research and Development of Open Source Systems

Which is better, OSS (open source software) or commercial software for sale?

A commercial LMS (learning management system) has a robust and stable development system, so it is expected that the functions will be well built and that there will be relatively few bugs and defects, but on the other hand, the program source code and internal specifications will be released. Therefore, in order to realize the idea that came up in the research, there is no choice but to use the function of the original LMS. Also, in order to realize customization and linkage with other systems, it is necessary to outsource the development company to the company for a fee.

On the other hand, OSS LMS tends to have many bugs and internationalization (e.g. Japanese localization) problems, but you can freely change the source code, enhance and modify the functions, and try various ideas that you come up with from the viewpoint of educational technology. If you have the programming skills, you can minimize the cost of development and customization.

The following designated paper discusses building a system using Moodle, an OSS LMS. In what respects do you think this paper was accepted by the journal in recognition of its value? And if you were to use OSS like Moodle in your research, what kind of research would you want to do?

Required reading

Last modified: Friday, 30 October 2020, 3:17 PM