Dear.Mr. I
Thank you for your time.
Thank you very much for your comments.
In response to Mr. I's comment, I would like to describe below the points I noticed and considered again.
>① I was wondering what would happen to those who did not declare their intention to participate.
→I have been thinking about how to deal with this risk since I started planning this proposal, and I would like to take the following measures (responses).
◆In the group café at the informal ceremony, create a silent atmosphere in which "not declaring one's intention to participate" is not an option.
◆Even for those who do not declare their intention to participate, they must pass the pre-test and post-test to acquire the prerequisite knowledge necessary for the induction training.
>② I am wondering how copyright will be handled by linking to books. it may be sufficient to indicate the name, publisher, and author of the book to be used in the e-learning side, but it may be better to mention the handling of rights in the plan.
→In Moodle, I will not mention the book itself, but will list the name and reference page of the book as a reference. (The Moodle will not mention the contents of the book itself, but rather the name of the book and the page it refers to. However, since it is designed to be based on an actual book, I would like to make sure that the reader is aware of the copyright and copyright issues.
>③ Treating progress as a joint responsibility of the group. I think there is an aspect of making people work hard so that they don't cause trouble for the group, but on the other hand, I'm concerned that it may have the opposite effect of diminishing motivation.
→I certainly felt that this was a point that I needed to pay attention to in order to avoid cracks in the bond between peers even before joining the company.
◆Individual study = individual responsibility, but loneliness
◆Group learning = teamwork within the group, but there is also the possibility of trouble.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but I felt it was important to strike a good balance between the two. (I felt it was important to strike a good balance between the two. (For example, creating rules so that the group cannot proceed with the study if someone declines the offer or drops out.)
>④ Regarding the items to be evaluated in the best handbook contest, it could be read as both those created by individuals through e-learning and those created as a group, or it could be read as only those created by the group. I think it would be better to make this area easier to understand (although I may be reading it wrong).
→Initially when I was thinking about this proposal, I was thinking of creating a "My Handbook" for each individual, but due to the burden of creating an individual handbook and the scoring in the best handbook competition, I switched to creating a group handbook, so the context may not be consistent.
◆Application for best handbook competition: group application
◆Personal study guide for post-employment: individual creation
I would like to proceed with the above two axes.
>⑤ Regarding progress management, I am concerned because it seems that the prevention of dropouts is left to the group of people who have been offered the job. It was not clear in the plan, but will there be individual support from the HR department?
→I would like to encourage the group to manage the progress as much as possible, but I think the HR department (training department) needs to remind and support those who have problems (clearly have no intention to participate, are severely behind, etc.). However, due to the goal of attitude learning, I don't want to create a situation where the company will contact me immediately, so I would like to use this as a last resort.