Based on the learning objectives described on the previous page, please read through the assigned reading and do the following 1) and 2).
The assigned reading was written for practitioners by M.J. Marcord, a well-known "action learning researcher. In other words, we have not assigned Marcode (2001) as a "resource for obtaining ideas (knowledge) to guide your consideration". I assigned this literature as a "research object" when discussing the relationship between problem solving and human resource development. Rather than "accepting the ideas and methods presented in Marcord (2001) as correct," it is necessary to read and understand them critically, while keeping the facts firmly in mind. As a first step, please carefully read the MarCode (2001) and organize its features.
Learning content and how to proceed
1) Understand the aim and method of "action learning" (corresponding to study content A)
First, please read the assigned readings carefully, and summarize the aims and procedures of action learning in the "MarCord style".
2) Identify the characteristics of "action learning" as a methodology for human resource development(corresponding to study content B)
Furthermore, please describe the characteristics of the "Marcord way" of action learning as a human resource development methodology. This will be [Task 8].
For details on how to proceed with [Task 8], please refer to the next chapter.
Last modified: Friday, 25 March 2022, 3:07 PM